Over 2000 healthy babies* and counting!
Our collaborative efforts with local fertility specialists in Los Angeles combined with the daily fertility guidance contained in our online fertility course, The Seed Fertility Program, has helped thousands of our patients create a family, despite the odds.
*Our high success rate includes women who conceived naturally from our combined integrative approach of acupuncture, herbs and The Seed Fertility Program, as well through IUI and IVF.

How Acupuncture Helps Improve Fertility
Acupuncture increases blood flow to the ovaries, which provides the optimal conditions necessary to improve egg quality and increase follicle count.
Acupuncture improves blood circulation within the uterine lining to promote successful implantation.
Acupuncture reduces the side effects of medications used in IVF protocols.
Acupuncture decreases uterine contractions, which encourages implantation and prevents miscarriage.
Acupuncture reduces the stress of trying to get pregnant.
Acupuncture helps to balance the immune system and supports general health.

How Acupuncture Helps with IVF

Well Women Acupuncture Treats Men to Increase Fertility
If a man has been diagnosed with a low sperm count or motility problems, acupuncture and herbs may be highly beneficial, particularly prior to any lab-assisted fertility procedures. We often treat our patients’ partners, and have found this to contribute to successful pregnancy.

What The Seed Fertility Program Is & How It Helps Improve Fertility
Seed is a doctor-endorsed online course created by Danica Thornberry, founder of Well Women Acupuncture, in response to the dietary and emotional needs of her fertility patients. The Seed Program teaches women how to improve their fertility by incorporating holistic changes in diet, lifestyle and thinking. The Seed Program helps women who are trying to conceive after miscarriage, who are wondering, “Should I freeze my eggs?”, who are doing IVF because they have blocked fallopian tubes or are experiencing unexplained infertility.
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